Right now, weather here in Germany is the complete opposite of typical weather in Rajasthan; it’s cold, rainy, the sky is grey and everywhere people are going crazy bc of the storm which will hit us in few hours…but somehow I’m not that concerned. However, maybe bc of these uncomfy, rough vibes I’m missing the tropical vibes of India; the heat, the sunshine, the palm trees, the unbelievable green of the forest and the warm orange everywhere in Rajasthan…and of course the amazing fruit markets, which we found absolutely everywhere in India, selling all the fruits you can imagine…Of course super cheap and – depending on the season – also very fresh, especially the mangos…so we ended up having several mangos each day…ohhh now I’m missing these days even more…
Tag: winter
Everything is possible, nothing is sure.
The last week was full of new things, learning and trying, and new situations which made me feel like a first class student again, knowing nothing yet. But I’ll keep learning and trying…and then I’ll decide if I keep going like now or if I quit. So nothing is sure; 2020 definitely will be a year full of changes…However, there are a few things helping me through such days…one of them is hiking. The picture I took at the “Belchen”, a mountain near my home in the Black Forest, where I hiked with a friend yesterday.
When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
Camping in the woods
My lovely dog and me, camping in the forest at the 1th of August last summer. It’s a place near my home, deep in the woods and with a small stone circle to make a campfire, only reached by very few hikers. Also these days, in winter, I’m hiking up there often and planning to camp there again, but also to go on more and longer backpack-tours in nature this year, maybe also in other countries…
This is me, few weeks ago. I am 20 now, studying Social Work in a small town in Germany, which I surprisingly love, but missing travelling so much, that I’ll be posting memories from my journeys all the time. However, now I’m back home for 3 months for the practical part of my studies…and already missing everyone from university so much…but excited aswell how everything will go on, as nothing seems safe to me right now. But I like that. I like the feeling of not having any safe plans for the future.